Chemical Splash Decontamination

At Diphex we work closely with our clients to help reduce the risk of serious injury after a chemical splash.

Professional people working with chemicals, whilst making every effort to ensure that they work safely, are fully aware of the potential danger when things go wrong.

Effective chemical splash decontamination following a chemical splash with a corrosive or irritant chemical is essential to prevent or reduce the severity of a chemical injury.

Amphoteric solutions are recommended for first-line use to decontaminate chemical injuries by the British Burn Association and Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care. 

At Diphex, it is our mission to help to reduce the risk of serious damage to health and the environment when dealing with chemicals by:

Delivering effective safety solutions – preventing serious chemical harm

Find out more about our amphoteric solutions Diphoterine® and Hexafluorine® below.


Diphoterine® solution is an aqueous, polyvalent, sterile washing solution that is highly effective against corrosive and irritant chemicals* such as

Acids, Alkalis, Oxidising Agents, Reducing Agents, Chelating Agents and Solvents

*IMPORTANT:  Diphoterine®  has limited efficacy on Hydrofluoric Acid, please see Hexafluorine®

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Hexafluorine® is a sterile emergency washing solution that is highly effective against the corrosive H+ ions and the toxic fluoride ions in Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) and its derivatives.

IMPORTANT:   Hexafluorine® has limited efficacy on other chemicals, please see Diphoterine®

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